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Showing posts from December, 2024

A Letter to College & University Presidents & Administrators

It is winter break right now at the university where I work, which is also the same university where I was once a student, many years ago. The campus is very quiet and the days have been very dark. Students have gone home to be with their families and loved ones until the new year and term begins.   With the cyclical nature of a life that has been long influenced by the recurrence of patterns driven by the timing of the academic calendar, I recognize that this time of year is often one of intense reflection for me. I have taken some time off from my job, and I have spent these last days doing more of what I have also been doing these past fifteen months, determined to not become immobilized by disbelief, despair, and grief, something which becomes increasingly challenging for me with each passing day. I have seen students in Gaza study by flame and torch light in the midst of falling bombs; students giving their thesis presentations in makeshift tents, wandering the destroyed stree...

About This Site

I used to write about food…. This site used to be about vegan food and being vegan. From 2008 to 2016, I wrote and published weekly. I enjoyed creating and sharing recipes, eating at and writing about restaurants, exploring in words and in life how food could bring people together. I ended up finding a community of vegans that I had not known prior to my writing, and I saw how writing and sharing could lead to connection and change. I stopped writing and publishing regularly on this site in 2019 but decided to leave it up, unpublishing many articles about restaurants that no longer existed, thinking someday I might return to writing here again. And now at last I have decided to do just that. But I can no longer write about food, at least not in the way that I once did.  I believe there is a certain kind of trauma caused by witnessing violence and brutality inflicted upon people, animals, and the earth while also being unable to stop it; that there is trauma in witnessing human-caus...